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Ivan Esenko

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Ivan Esenko


Libros de Ivan Esenko

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PTICE // Esenko, Ivan; Trotovšek, Alenka Vuk;

Ptice so vreten?arji, ki so z letenjem osvojili nebo, zato jih najdemo v razli?nih okoljih. Ptice so zelo pomembne pri uravnavanju števila življenskih vrst, ki lahko prekomerno namnožene, postanejo nadležne na vrtovih in poljih. Knjiga bo mlademu bralcu v pomo? pri skrbi za ptice.

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?EBELE // Esenko, Ivan; Trotovšek, Alenka Vuk;

V knjigi se bomo prepri?ali, da ?ebela ni zgolj žuželka, ki pi?i. Opisano je njeno življenje v panju in zunaj njega ter izjemen pomen ?ebel v okolju. V prepletanju pravlji?nih risb in odli?nih fotografskih posnetkov, podkrepljenih s kratkim in strokovnim besedilom, se bo mali bralec navdušil nad temi izjemnimi žuželkami.

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THE BEES // Esenko, Ivan; Trotovšek, Alenka Vuk;

The book will convince the reader that the bee is not just a bug that bites. It describes the life of the bee in the hive and outside, and illustrates the great significance that the bees have for the environment. Through the delightful drawings and gorgeous photographs, supported by concise and accurate information, the young reader will be fas...

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THE BIRDS // Esenko, Ivan; Trotovšek, Alenka Vuk;

Birds are vertebrates that have conquered the skies through flight, which is why we find them in very different locations. Birds play a vital role in regulating the animal species as they get rid of many annoying insects in the gardens and fields. The book will give the young reader an insight into how to take care of the birds, also including t...

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