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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Elcor Vincent Aragundi lived his
    career as a professional racing jockey,
    but as a native from Ecuador born in
    Quito, he was fi rst inspired with poetry
    by his mother when he was still a boy.
    Between then and the moment he had
    grown, he began to write poetry in
    Spanish when he was still in school. He
    continued to write through the years
    even after he came to the United States
    back in March of 1954. Not knowing a
    word of English when he stepped off the
    plane in Florida, he ended up getting lost
    at a bus stop to eat. He returned unable
    to match the bus he was on with that of
    the number he held. The bus driver had
    unknowingly left without him. It took two hours before they could fi nd
    someone that would translate. English has always been a huge struggle for
    him, though he desperately wanted to learn. It at times would leave him
    frustrated from the defi ed opportunities from his inability to communicate
    and adapt into the language.

    That was then; now a proud American citizen celebrating his fi ftyfi
    fth year in the United States, he is a renowned poet with trophies,
    medals, and merits awarded to him for his work, his passion, and his
    art. Recognized by the International Society of Poets in Owings Mills,
    Maryland, “A Flight in the Night” was published back in 2002 by the
    International Library of Poetry. He has been writing in English now for
    twenty-fi ve years. With over a hundred poems written, half of them reside
    in Spanish, and the other half in English. His work is not only a milestone
    but an inspiration of the heart that proves yet that nothing can stand in
    the way of his love for poetry.

    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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