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  • Portada de THE SUCCESSOR


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Make-or-break decisions involving millions of dollars are all in a day’ s work for Christian Gillette, chairman of Everest Capital, New York’ s most renowned private equity firm. He’ s taken on the toughest, most powerful, and often most dangerous adversaries and prevailed- all the while honing his skill for being cool under fire, literally. But now Gillette will be put to the ultimate test. He’ s offered the chance to seal a deal unlike any other, one that goes beyond boardrooms, balance sheets, and even Everest itself- one that will leave its mark on history. Gillette is no stranger to Jesse Wood, the first African American president of the United States, having been Wood’ s chosen running mate in his historic bid for the White House. Though still slightly upset over being dropped from the ticket at the eleventh hour, Gillette’ s not about to ignore the chief executive’ s summons to a top-secret meeting at Camp David. There, Wood drops a bombshell: The president of Cuba is dead. Cuba’ s communist regime has kept the dictator’ s demise hush while it races to fill the power vacuum. And the United States is poised to support a cabal of Cuban professionals plotting a coup. The President wants Gillette to meet with the conspirators and size up the chances for a successful capitalist revolution. But by no means can his mission be traced back to the White House. If anything goes wrong, Gillette is on his own. And if certain people have their way, something will go wrong. For the conspiracy to liberate Cuba isn’ t the only one afoot. Enemies in high places, who will go to any lengths to wreak revenge on Gilletteand to unseat President Wood, have set in motion a campaign of deception, sabotage, and murder whose shockwaves will resonate from the streets of Havana to the Oval Office. But for Gillette, who has just named his alluring and ambitious proté gé , Allison Wallace, as his successor at Everest, the greatest peril may lie much closer to home. The Successor is blue-chip Stephen Frey, marshaling his flawless instincts for edgy, provocative, breathtaking suspense with a master’ s touch.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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