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  • Portada de THE ROUGH GUIDE TO SPAIN (13TH ED.)


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • A travel guide with maps and coverage of various best Spanish attractions. It helps you discover the vibrant regions of Spain from the outstanding art of Madrid to tapas in Barcelona and foot-stamping Flamenco in Southern Spain. It provides you tips on exploring Spain's varied landscapes, from the rias of Galicia to the coves of the Balearics. "The Rough Guide to Spain" is the ultimate travel guide with clear maps and detailed coverage of all the best Spanish attractions. Discover the vibrant regions of Spain from the outstanding art of Madrid to tapas in Barcelona and foot-stamping Flamenco in Southern Spain. New full-colour features explore the best Spanish wine, walks in Spain and Spain's key fiestas whilst an increased Spanish language section will get you started on Catalan, Basque and Gelego.Find detailed practical advice on what to see and do in Spain whilst relying on up-to-date descriptions of the best hotels in Spain, bars in Spain, restaurants in Spain, shops in Spain and Spanish festivals for all budgets. You'll find expert tips on exploring Spain's varied landscapes, from the rias of Galicia to the coves of the Balearics; and authoritative background on Spain's history and wildlife, with the low-down on every major fiesta. Explore all corners of Spain with the clearest maps of any guide. Make the most of your holiday with "The Rough Guide to Spain".

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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