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Sinópsis del libro:

  • They are the Reapers, the elite among killers. Men so terrifying that their names are mentioned only in whispers. The assassin Louis is one of them. But now Louis, and his partner, Angel, are themselves targets. And there is no shortage of suspects. A wealthy recluse sends them north to a town that no longer exists on a map. A town ruled by a man with very personal reasons for wanting Louis`s blood spilt. There they find themselves trapped, isolated, and at the mercy of a killer feared above all others: the assassin of assassins, Bliss. Thanks to former detective Charlie Parker, help is on its way. But can Angel and Louis stay alive long enough for it to reach them?

    Reviews'It’s a must-read for fans of Connolly, offering a rare insight into the background of the slightly dark and dangerous duo who have featured in this series, where death and demons go hand-in-hand.'

    Evening Telegraph

    'This painstaking recreation of realistic settings sets the former journalist’s works of fiction apart from many of his contemporaries.'

    Evening Herald

    'Readers will be delighted with the return of Connolly's greatest creation, Charlie Parker.’

    Cork Evening Echo

    'As ever with Connolly, the macabre narrative is couched in prose that is often allusive and poetic . . . Refreshingly, Connolly has always resisted repeating himself, and the plot trajectory is strikingly innovative. The Reapers affords unusually bracing doses of Stygian delights.'

    Barry Forshaw, Independent

    'Utterly compelling tale of mystery and imagination . . . A supernatural western set among an elite cadre of samurai-style contract killers and the most purely entertaining novel Connolly has written.'

    Irish Times

    'Connolly’s is a unique talent'

    Susanna Yager, Sunday Telegraph

    'Fans of Connolly’s work will be aware of Angel a

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Darkly brilliant and intuitive detective Charlie Parker returns in the newest thriller by "New York Times"-bestselling author Connolly, now available in a tall Premium Edition.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • They are the Reapers, the elite among killers. Men so terrifying that their names are mentioned only in whispers. The assassin Louis is one of them. But now Louis, and his partner, Angel, are themselves targets. And there is no shortage of suspects. A wealthy recluse sends them north to a town that no longer exists on a map. A town ruled by a man with very personal reasons for wanting Louis’s blood spilt. There they find themselves trapped, isolated, and at the mercy of a killer feared above all others: the assassin of assassins, Bliss. Thanks to former detective Charlie Parker, help is on its way. But can Angel and Louis stay alive long enough for it to reach them?

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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