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  • Thinking about becoming your own boss and embarking on the wonderful and rewarding journey of freelancing? The Principles of Successful Freelancing is for you. In this easy-to follow guide you'll learn what's important in transforming your skills into a booming freelance business. This book leads you through the entire process, from getting started, through to winning and keeping loyal clients. Running a successful freelance business is easy, and with the information in this book, you'll confidently turn your freelancing dream into a profitable reality. Learn how to make a smooth transition into freelancing Understand how to effectively manage your money Ensure you spend your time on the right activities Discover why a work/life balance is important Learn how your network can support you and your business Overcome your fear of selling And much more ... The 12 Principles Of Successful Freelancing Get Organized Keep your workspace tidy and plan ahead (short- and long-term). Control Stress Remain calm and work through issues to avoid early burnout.. Research Spend quality time researching your proposed business-it's more than a five minute web surf. Be Passionate Love your work! You should enjoy what you do for a living. Budget Save for a rainy day rather than spend every cent as it comes in. Value your Health Bad health stops you from working. Take time to exercise and maintain a nutritious diet. Embrace Selling Enjoy the sales challenge-it's easier than you think! Satisfy Customers Don't do average work-exceed their expectations and make them need you. Grow Your Network Value family and friends' support, and meet new people all the time. Maintain Cashflow It's what is in the bank thatcounts, not what you are billing-understand the difference. Continually Learn Keep acquiring new skills and knowledge, every week. Let it slip and you could be left behind. Achieve a Work/Life Balance Your life should be more than work-maintain a good balance for health and success.

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