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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Disponible avance en PDF Fecha de publicación: 2009

    Impresión: Sí - Copia: No


    Throughout the globe, countless authors, scholars, experts, and television personalities have advocated the benefits of positive thinking. These individuals insist that everyone should remain optimistic and positive—focusing their attention on the desirable implications of undesirable events while repeating positive aphorisms to themselves, like “I am a likeable person”. Positive thinking is helpful—but only in the individuals who are especially happy, confident, and secure anyway. For most citizens, these deliberate attempts to think positively often compromise their wellbeing in the future. This book firstly explores the latest discoveries in this field, demonstrating the perils of positive thinking and the causes of these problems. For example, when individuals attempt to think positively, they become more attuned to their doubts and concerns, which ultimately damages their self esteem. Secondly, this book presents an alternative approach, validated by recent scientific advances. Specifically, individuals are more likely to enjoy a meaningful, fulfilling life—to feel vibrant and content—if positive thoughts are evoked spontaneously and effortlessly rather than deliberately and unnaturally. This book presents a series of techniques, practices, and insights that, over time, elicit these pleasant thoughts, naturally and frequently. This books is applicable to anyone whose attempts to improve their wellbeing were not as successful as they had hoped. Furthermore, this book presents innovative insights to support managers, psychologists, coaches, counselors, and human resource professionals.

    Ann Davidson And Simón Moss
    Dr Simon Moss is a senior lecturer at Monash University. His primary research interest concerns how characteristics of organizations and societies, such as leadership, influence the psychological processes of individuals, such as their mood, creativity, intuition, engagement, honesty, and altruism. He is an author of “The Science of Management: Fighting fads and fallacies with evidence-based practices”. Dr Moss is also a cofounder of Zenith Professional Development, a company that has collated every scientific discovery that contradicts prevailing management beliefs and practices. Using this database, he has developed a tool that identifies misconceptions in management. In addition, he has presented training programs to all levels of management—across a broad range of industries—that are designed to redress these misconceptions. Ann Davidson is a clinical and forensic psychologist specialising in the assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders and the related issues of trauma, offending, and violence risk assessment. Dr Davidson combines a small private practice with employment at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health (Victoria, Australia) in the rehabilitation unit of Thomas Embling Hospital. Her research interests include the intergenerational transmission of psychological sequelae of trauma, the role of trauma disclosure in psychological well-being, and the experience and treatment of traumatic stress in mentally-disordered homicide offenders. Prior to becoming a psychologist, Ann also worked in corrections, secondary school education, and corporate training.

    Información proporcionada por Librería Cyberdark

    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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