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  • Portada de THE IMMIGRANT - EBOOK


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Fecha de publicación: 2009

    Impresión: No - Copia: No


    'An engrossing portrait of an arranged marriage, from the prize-winning author of Home and Difficult Daughters.Nina is a thirty-year-old English lecturer in New Delhi, living with her widowed mother and frustrated by how little life has to offer. Ananda has recently emigrated to Halifax, Canada; having spent his twenties painstakingly building his career, he searches for something to complete his new life. When an arranged marriage is proposed, Nina is uncertain: can she really give up her home and her country to build a new life with a husband she barely knows? The consequences of change are far greater than she could have imagined. As the two of them struggle to adapt to married life, Nina's whole world is thrown into question. And as certain truths threaten the marriage, her fragile new life in Canada begins to unravel. Poignant and intimate, The Immigrant is an honest exploration of a marriage, what it costs to start again - and what we can never leave behind.

    Información proporcionada por Librería Cyberdark

    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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