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  • Portada de SIDDY CREEK


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Jake, Adam, Jess, and Brian are coming home to Siddy Creek.Laurel MacClain is ready to move forward. When the man in her life—her first love—Navy SEAL Captain, Jake LeGrande gets home, things seem chilly at best. He’s told her he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Nothing is going right. Including the fact that she still has a nonexistent sex life. Unsure if he’s changed his mind, she makes a date with an old friend to challenge Jake’s resolve. Her problems with the farm and with Jake aren’t by themselves on her list of worries. Laurel wants to see everyone happy.Jess and Shannon still have communication issues, except in the bedroom. Figuring out how to start their life together is perplexing, but worth the fight. When Shannon gives Jess what he asks for, she gets another special first—and another.Adam is glad to be home with the one and only girl he has ever fallen in love with—Jen. Jen is now jobless, and homeless. With nothing static in her life, she he...

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