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  • Portada de SHIRLEY


  • Portada de SHIRLEY


  • Portada de SHIRLEY


  • Portada de SHIRLEY


  • Portada de SHIRLEY


  • Portada de SHIRLEY


  • Portada de SHIRLEY


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    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • Following the tremendous popular success of Jane Eyre, which earned her lifelong notoriety as a moral revolutionary, Charlotte Bronte vowed to write a sweeping social chronicle that focused on "something real and unromantic as Monday morning". Set in the industrializing England of the Napoleonic wars and Luddite revolts of 1811-12, Shirley (1849) is the story of two contrasting heroines. One is the shy Caroline Helstone, who is trapped in the oppressive atmosphere of a Yorkshire rectory and whose bare life symbolizes the plight of single women in the nineteenth century. The other is the vivacious Shirley Keeldar, who inherits a local estate and whose wealth liberates her from convention. A work that combines social commentary with the more private preoccupations of Jane Eyre, Shirley demonstrates the full range of Bronte's literary talent.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • This work is set among the cloth mills of the author's native Yorkshire. It portrays the drama of the latter part of the Napoleonic Wars when labour-saving machinery was smashed by desperate, unemployed workers. It explores humanity's efforts to reconcile aspirations with social justice.

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • Shirley is Charlotte Bront:e e's only historical novel and her most topical one. Written at a time of social unrest, it is set during the period of the Napoleonic Wars, when economic hardship led to riots in the woollen district of Yorkshire. A mill-owner, Robert Moore, is determined to introduce new machinery despite fierce opposition from his workers; he ignores their suffering, and puts his own life at risk .Robert sees marriage to the wealthy Shirley Keeldar as the solution to his difficulties, but he loves his cousin Caroline. She suffers misery and frustration, and Shirley has her own ideas about the man she will choose to marry. The friendship between the two women, and the contrast between their situations, is at the heart of this compelling novel, which is suffused with Bront':'s deep yearning for an earlier time.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Shirley tells the story of conflicted mill-owner Robert Moore, whose desire to restore his family honour and fortune is in direct conflict with that of his heart. Set during the Napoleonic War in a period of economic unrest, Shirley is the tale of discovering what is most important in life: wealth and restoring one's family name or love and self-fulfillment. Charlotte Brontë's second novel, Shirley was originally published under the pseudonym Currer Bell. It has been adapted for film. HarperPere

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • This book (hardcover) is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS. It contains classical literature works...

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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