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Sinópsis del libro:

  • This work presents a blisteringly high-concept serial killer thriller combined with delicious religious conspiracy theory from a hot new British talent. It shows two murders at opposite ends of America, one in the backstreets of New York City, the other in the backwoods of Montana. It presents a series of killings in every corner of the globe, from the crowded slums of India to the pristine beaches of Cape Town. There can't possibly be a connection. That's the instinct of Will Monroe, a young, British-born reporter for "The New York Times" - until the morning his beautiful wife Beth is kidnapped. Holding her are men who seem ready to kill without hesitation. Desperate, Will follows a trail that leads to a mysterious sect right on his own doorstep - fervent followers of one of mankind's oldest faiths. He will have to break through multiple layers of mysticism and ancient prophecy, unearthing riddles buried deep in the Bible - until he finds the secret that is said to have animated the world for thousands of years, a secret on which the fate of humanity may depend. But with more murders by the hour, and each clue wrapped in layers of code, time is running out...

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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