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Sinópsis del libro:

  • "This collection...stands as the field's madcap DUBLINERS of the biogenetic revolution. One simply has to read it..." -Michael Bishop

    You can try to escape from the mundane, or with the help of Paul Di Filippo, you can take a brief, meaningful break from it. In the vein of George Saunders or Michael Chabon, Di Filippo uses the tools of science fiction and the surreal to take a deep, richly felt look at humanity. His brand of funny, quirky, thoughtful, fast-moving, heart-warming, brain-bending stories exist across the entire spectrum of the fantastic from hard science fiction to satire to fantasy and on to horror, delivering a riotously entertaining string of modern fables and stories from tomorrow, now and anytime. After you read Paul Di Filippo, you'll no longer see everyday life quite the same.

    RIBOFUNK contains eleven masterful and surprising works of imagination. In all of them, biology is the science that drives the engine of life and of story: the Protein Police patrol for renegade gene-splicers; part-human sea creatures live in the Great Lakes and clean up toxic spills; a river has become sentient; there's a bodyguard who is part wolverine and a thrill-seeker climbs a skyscraper and gets stuck, literally.

    "RIBOFUNK is great science fiction: wildly inventive, warmly human, culturally relevant, and deeply funny...The book of the year." -Rudy Rucker

    An article at the ABE site nominates "50 Essential SF Books" and RIBOFUNK is one. RIBOFUNK by Paul Di Filippo (1996) "Biopunk short story collection-a spin-off from cyberpunk featuring biotechnology."

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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