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  • Portada de PLAGUE OF ANGELS


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • All Nyx wants is for God to give the Angels free will. But when she fought for it, she was thrown from Heaven with all who supported her. They became the Descended, and Nyx became Queen of Hell and judge of the damned.Nyx is walking the earth looking for new souls to bring to Hell when God calls all the Angels home except her. She is to stay, and be the darkness against which the light of God's son will shine.Nyx meets the son of God in the desert, and he is angry. The name he has on Earth is not his true name. His real name is Tribunal and he was sent to Earth to judge humankind. But along the way he also has to be sacrificed to a cause he doesn't believe in – human redemption.United by their anger at God and their dislike of humanity, Tribunal and Nyx become lovers. When Tribunal's plea to have humanity destroyed is rejected by God, Tribunal decides to take the Earth from God, destroy the humans and create a Paradise on Earth for himself and Nyx's angels.Three days after Tribunal...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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