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  • Covering version 4.0, offers information about the database management software's statements, functions, tools, and syntax.If you use MySQL, you know why it's the world's most popular open source database: small, fast, and powerful, and so rich in features that no administrator or programmer can stay familiar with all of them. There are always some little-known commands and clauses that could help you become more efficient in your work if you could just keep them in mind. The problem is, you don't always have time to stop and thumb through an exhaustive reference when you're hard at work. If you need a quick reminder, the MySQL Pocket Reference can lead you straight to the answer you need to know to get the job done. Easy to take and use anywhere, this little book provides instant reminders on how to use important MySQL functions in conjunction with key parts of the LAMP open source infrastructure. A complete reference to the MySQL version of SQL, this pocket guide also serves as a convenient companion to our large, in-depth volume, Managing and Using MySQL. The book covers installation of MySQL and includes a description of SQL commands, data types, operators, and functions. In this small book, you get a handy reference to the enormous feature set of MySQL, the dominant database in the open source world. O'Reilly's Pocket References have become a favorite among programmers everywhere. By providing important details in a succinct, well-organized format, these pocket-sized books deliver just what you need to complete the task at hand. When you've reached a sticking point in your work and need to get to a solution quickly, the new MySQL Pocket Reference is the book you'll want to have.

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