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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Your complete guide to the Joomla! content management system

    Whether you use Joomla! to power a website, intranet, or blog, you'll need a good how-to reference on this complex, but not always intuitive, content management software. Joomla! Bible, Second Edition is that book. It not only brings you up to speed on the changes and extensions that are now part of Joomla! 3.0, it thoroughly covers functions and tasks, including installation, configuration, management, advanced modules, and extended coverage of two key extensions, JomSocial and VirtueMart.

    You'll learn how to obtain code and deploy it to a server; how to obtain, modify, and delete content; how to choose between the Joomla! Platform and the Joomla! CMS; and more. By the time you finish the Joomla! Bible, Second Edition, you'll be well prepared to build and maintain a Joomla!-based website.

    • Walks you through obtaining the Joomla! 3.0 code and how to deploy it to a server, configure the site, create content, and manage content and user hierarchies
    • Helps you get the most out of core modules that provide advanced functionality, including the Polls Module, the Banner Manager, Content Syndication, Newsfeed Aggregation, and others
    • Provides in-depth coverage of the JomSocial and VirtueMart extensions
    • Includes hands-on tutorials and real-world practical applications

    Whether you're a content manager, website manager, developer, or do-it-yourselfer, make sure you keep Joomla! Bible, Second Edition on hand.

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • Comprehensive guide to creating Web sites with the open-source Joomla!1.5Joomla! is an open-source content management system (CMS) for Web sites. While it is free and relatively easy to use, there are lots of tricks and functionality that may not be intuitive to new users or those switching from other systems. And the previous version is quite different from the new Joomla 1.5, for which documentation is sparse. Joomla! Bible is the complete, step-by-step guide you need to build and manage Web sites using the very newest version of this powerful and popular CMS.Walks you through obtaining the Joomla! 1.5 code and how to deploy it to a server, configure the site, create content, and manage content and user hierarchiesHelps you get the most out of core modules that provide advanced functionality, including the Polls Module, the Banner Manager, the Media Manager, Galleries, Weblinks, Content Syndication, and Newsfeed AggregationVaults you into the world of Web 2.0 with extensive cover...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • Your complete guide to the Joomla! content management systemWhether you use Joomla! to power a website, intranet, or blog, you'll need a good how-to reference on this complex, but not always intuitive, content management software. Joomla! Bible, Second Edition is that book. It not only brings you up to speed on the changes and extensions that are now part of Joomla! 3.0, it thoroughly covers functions and tasks, including installation, configuration, management, advanced modules, and extended coverage of two key extensions.You'll learn how to obtain code and deploy it to a server; how to obtain, modify, and delete content; how to choose between the Joomla! Platform and the Joomla! CMS; and more. By the time you finish the Joomla! Bible, Second Edition, you'll be well prepared to build and maintain a Joomla!-based website.Walks you through obtaining the Joomla! 3.0 code and how to deploy it to a server, configure the site, create content, and manage content and user hierarchiesHelps...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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