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  • Portada de JAVA THREADS


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Threads are essential to Java programming, but learning to
    use them effectively is a nontrivial task. This new edition
    of the classic Java Threads shows you how to take full
    advantage of Java's threading facilities and brings you
    up-to-date with the watershed changes in Java 2 Standard
    Edition version 5.0 (J2SE 5.0). It provides a thorough,
    step-by-step approach to threads programming.

    Java's threading system is simple relative to other
    threading systems. In earlier versions of Java, this
    simplicity came with tradeoffs: some of the advanced
    features in other threading systems were not available in
    Java. J2SE 5.0 changes all that: it provides a large number
    of new thread-related classes that make the task of writing
    multithreaded programs that much easier.

    You'll learn where to use threads to increase efficiency,
    how to use them effectively, and how to avoid common
    mistakes. This book discusses problems like deadlock, race
    conditions, and starvation in detail, helping you to write
    code without hidden bugs.

    Java Threads, Third Edition, has been thoroughly expanded
    and revised. It incorporates the concurrency utilities from
    java.util.concurrent throughout. New chapters cover thread
    performance, using threads with Swing, threads and
    Collection classes, thread pools, and threads and I/O
    (traditional, new, and interrupted). Developers who cannot
    yet deploy J2SE 5.0 can use thread utilities provided in the
    Appendix to achieve similar functionality with earlier
    versions of Java.

    Topics include:
    Lock starvation and deadlock detection
    Atomic classes and minimal synchronization (J2SE 5.0)
    Interaction of Java threads with Swing, I/O, and Collection
    Programmatically controlled locks and condition variables
    (J2SE 5.0)
    Thread performance and security
    Thread pools (J2SE 5.0)
    Thread groups
    Platform-specific thread scheduling
    Task schedulers (J2SE 5.0)
    Parallelizing loops for multiprocessor machines
    In short, this new edition of Java Threads covers everything
    you need to know about threads, from the simplest animation
    program to the most complex applications. If you plan to do
    any serious work in Java, you will find this book

    Scott Oaks is a senior software engineer for the Java
    Performance Engineering group at Sun Microsystems and the
    author of four books in the O'Reilly Java series.
    Formerly a senior systems engineer at Sun Microsystems,
    Henry Wong is an independent consultant working on various
    Java related projects.

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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