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  • Portada de ISS X-FORCE


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • ISS X-Force is an elite group of security researchers who continually analyze and monitor global online threat conditions to create proactive security solutions. Over the last seven years, ISS X-Force has discovered more high-risk vulnerabilities than all other research groups and vendors combined, including the vulnerability that led to the recent, widespread Zotob worm.

    This book takes readers inside the world of sensitive security research and demonstrates how the in-depth investigation of security problems translates into stronger protection against threats and a more solid security environment for the future. As malicious hackers become more sophisticated in their attacks and more driven by profit, it becomes crucial for security researchers to stay a step ahead of the enemy. In this book, you will go behind the scenes with the X-Force to analyze and prevent rapidly evolving attack methodologies. By tracking security flaws on a global scale 24/7/365, X-Force is truly ahead of the security game, providing technology users with unsurpassable advice on how to protect themselves from Internet threats. As a result of the researchers and findings presented in this book, the security community will be better prepared to safely adopt new technologies without the lingering fear of security compromise.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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