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  • The death of a pet fish signals an ominous threat of wordwide tragedy... Delta Company "plays" out a war light years away... A running back for the Cleveland Browns gives his all to relive a night from his past...

    In IRRATIONAL NUMBERS, as with much of his work, author George Alec Effinger straddles the line between allegorical fantasy and science fiction. It's a vein Effinger mines for a deep, meaningful understanding of human nature. Challenging and disquieting in the way only the best fiction can be, this collection of eight magnificent pieces of fiction will have readers clamoring for more.

    George Alec Effinger was a true master of satirical Science Fiction. Before his death in 2002, he gained the highest esteem amongst his peers for his pitch-perfect stylistic mimicry and his great insight into the human condition. Despite a life filled with chronic illness, Effinger was a prolific novelist and short story writer, earning multiple Nebula and Hugo Award nominations.

    George Alec Effinger was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1947. He attended Yale University, where an organic chemistry course disabused him of the notion of becoming a doctor. He had the opportunity to meet many of his SF idols thanks to his first wife, who was Damon Knight and Kate Wilhelm's babysitter. With their encouragement, he began writing science fiction in 1970. He published at least 20 novels and 6 collections of short fiction including WHEN GRAVITY FAILS and THE EXILE KISS. As well, he also wrote and published two crime novels, FELICIA and SHADOW MONEY. With his Budayeen novels, Effinger helped to found the Cyberpunk genre. He was a Hugo and Nebula award winner and a favorite amongst fellow SF writers.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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