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Sinópsis del libro:

  • "I think it's the perfect starter book for anyone who is keen to try making their own Herbal remedies. The information is clear, concise and to the point and easy!!! :) I've been searching high and low for a relatively simple way to make cream and ointment and in 1 minute found exactly what I needed." Sonya Lowe - PHSeven Organic Herbs

    "..very helpful reference when you are making your own remedies at home! What I consider very useful is the fact I finally have a book in my home library that is so easy, and fast to use. .... A ready reference with sound advice right at my fingertips! I am in love! Thank you so much for all you do and share Anke." Leslie Postin - Comfrey Cottages

    So you know that rosemary and sage are good for dark hair and that fair hair benefits from chamomile, mullein and marigold and you want to make an infusion to add to your shampoo base or to use as a hair rinse. How much herb do you use? How much water? How long do you let it infuse for? Your favourite women's magazine told you that a comfrey ointment is great for back pain and sprains, but they didn't give the recipe of how to make an ointment?

    When you already know what herbs you want to use and what herbal product you want to make you need a resource that covers the base formulas. Something that provides you with the ratios and the method of how to make your desired remedy. That's where Herbology At Home: Making Herbal remedies comes in. All your base formulas in one place, easy to read and small enough to keep on hand in the kitchen.

    Learn the age old methods of making herbal tea, tinctures, ointments, oils and much more. Assemble a herbal first aid kit and prepare natural, chemical free products for health and home. Herbology at Home: Making Herbal Remedies is a convenient, easy-to-follow guide to preparing natural, chemical free herbal remedies. With a common sense approach to safety and working herbal health into a busy, modern lifestyle this small, value packed Herbology manual is a BIG investment in your family's natural health.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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