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  • The human story behind Canada's worst chemical fire""Why you leaving Stelco?"" the friend asked the rookie firefighter.""'Cause it's hot and dirty and I don't like shifts.""Enter the world of Hamilton's firefighters. Theirs is a smouldering, combustible workplace, and in the effort to save lives they routinely put their own on the line. They know the ways of fire and fight to engage it, to be the one to break down the door and enter the furnace. They never give up. Not even when faced with the Big One.In 1997, a city beleaguered by its reputation as a fire town experienced the worst toxic fire in Canada's history. The work of an arsonist, it broke out at Plastimet Inc., a warehouse containing more than 400 tons of baled PVC plastic. The burning polyvinyl chloride released a stew of chemicals -- hydrochloric acid, chlorine, benzene, dioxin, phosgene -- which rained down on the firefighters. The main fire burned for four days, and spot fires burned for another three weeks. Never before h...

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