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  • Portada de FIRE ANGEL


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • London, 1897. A world that embraces both the logic of science and the ghostly explorations of spiritualism, a time period where one need only scratch at the surface of staunch morality to find outlets for the most carnal of appetites.

    Vincent Devonald is known for exposing occult charlatans. He has plenty of reasons to distrust the famous medium Serafina Grovenor, the most important being that her charismatic magician father was behind the disappearance of Vincent's daughter ten years before. He doesn't believe for a second that Serafina can communicate with spirits and he's determined to expose her ability to create fire for the theatrical sham that it is. But he can't deny the powerful effect that the mysterious woman has on him as she draws him in to her circle of intrigue.

    Serafina lives in a world of manipulation and fear. She'll do anything to keep her younger sister safe...including putting her complete trust in the one man who has the ability to tame her potentially lethal fiery nature and show her the true meaning of passion.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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