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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Bloodline is the new Dick Francis novel from bestseller, Felix Francis.

    When Mark Shillingford commentates on a race in which his twin sister Clare, an accomplished and successful jockey, comes in third, he can't help but be suspicious. As a professional race-caller, he knows she should have won. Did she lose on purpose? Was the race fixed? Why on earth would she do something so out of character?

    That night, Mark confronts Clare with his suspicions, but she storms off after an explosive argument. It's the last time Mark sees her alive. Hours later, Clare jumps to her death from the balcony of a London hotel . . . or so it seems.

    Devastated by her death, and almost overcome with guilt, Mark goes in search of answers. What led Clare to take her own life?

    Or was it not suicide at all . . .?

    Felix Francis is the younger son of thriller-writing legend, Dick Francis, with whom he co-wrote the four most recent Dick Francis Novels, Dead Heat, Silks, Even Money and Crossfire, with Felix taking an increasingly greater role in the writing. Sadly Dick died in February 2010 but his work will live on through Felix. Gamble was Felix's first solo Dick Francis Novel.

    Praise for the Dick Francis novels:
    'The Francis flair is clear for all to see' Daily Mail
    'The novel confirms Francis's seat at the head of crime fiction' Racing Post
    'From winning post to top of the bestseller list, time after time' Sunday Times

    Felix trained as a physicist and spent seventeen years teaching A level physics before taking on the role as manager to his father, and then as author. He lives in Oxfordshire.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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