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  • Portada de ANNA IN THE TROPICS


  • Portada de ANNA IN THE TROPICS


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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Winner of the 2003 Pulitizer Prize for Drama
    ," . . there are many kinds of light.
    The light of fires. The light of stars.
    The light that reflects off rivers.
    Light that penetrates through cracks.
    Then there's the type of light that reflects off the skin.
    "-Nilo Cruz, "Anna in the Tropics"

    This lush romantic drama depicts a family of cigar makers whose loves and lives are played out against the backdrop of America in the midst of the Depression. Set in Ybor City (Tampa) in 1930, Cruz imagines the catalytic effect the arrival of a new "lector" (who reads Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" to the workers as they toil in the cigar factory) has on a Cuban-American family. Cruz celebrates the search for identity in a new land.

    "The words of Nilo Cruz waft from the stage like a scented breeze. They sparkle and prickle and swirl, enveloping those who listen in both specific place and time . . . and in timeless passions that touch us all. In "Anna in the Tropics," the world premiere work he created for Coral Gables' intimate New Theatre, Cruz claims his place as a storyteller of intricate craftsmanship and poetic power."-"Miami Herald"

    Nilo Cruz is a young Cuban-American playwright whose work has been produced widely around the United States including the Public Theater (New York, NY), South Coast Repertory (Costa Mesa, CA), Magic Theatre (San Francisco, CA), Oregon Shakespeare Festival, McCarter Theater (Princeton, NJ) and New Theatre (Coral Gables, FL). His other plays include Night Train to Bolina, Two Sisters and a Piano, Hortensia and the Museum of Dreams, among others. "Anna in the Tropics" also won the Steinberg Award for Best New Play. Mr. Cruz teaches playwriting atYale University and lives in New York City.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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