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  • Excerpt

    Though it is seldom nowadays that Earthmen hear mention of Hawk Carse, there are still places in the universe where his name retains all its old magic. These are the lonely outposts of the farthest planets, and here when the outlanders gather to yarn the idle hours away their tales conjure up from the past that raw, lusty period before the patrol-ships came, and the slender adventurer, gray-eyed and with queer bangs of hair obscuring his forehead, whose steely will, phenomenal ray-gun draw and reckless space-ship maneuverings combined to make him the periods most colorful figure. These qualities of his live again in the outlanders reminiscences and also of course his score of blood-feuds and the one great feud that shook whole worlds in its final terrible settling--thefeud of Hawk Carse and Dr. Ku Sui.

    Again and again the paths of the adventurer and the sinister, brilliant Eurasian crossed, and each crossing makes a rich tale. Time after time Ku Sui, through his several bands of space-pirates, his individual agents and his ambitious web of power insidiously weaving over the universe, whipped his tentacles after the Hawk, and always the tentacles coiled back, repulsed and bloody. An almost typical episode is in the affair which followed what has been called the Exploit of the Hawk and the Kite.

    It will be remembered--as related in"Hawk Carse"--that Dr. Ku laid a most ingenious trap for Carse on the latters ranch on Iapetus, eighth satellite of Saturn. Judd the Kite, pirate and scavenger, was the Eurasians tool in this plot, which started with a raid on the ranch. The fracas which followed the Hawks escape from the trap was bloody and grim enough, and resulted in the erasure of Judd and all his men save one; but the important thing to the following affair was that Judds ship, the Scorpion, fell into Carses hands with one prisoner and the ships log, containing the space coordinates for a prearranged assignation of Judd with Ku Sui.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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