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Sinópsis del libro:

  • AdvancED Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript is a down to earth education in how to make videogames from scratch, using the powerful HTML5 and JavaScript technologies. This book delves into many of the great “Black Arts” of video game design which are sparsely documented elsewhere, and gives you a point-by-point round up of all the essential techniques that every game designer needs to know.

    You'll discover how to develop games with vector math, pathfinding, and advanced collision detection techniques, all of which are covered in a friendly and non-technical manner. You'll find detailed working examples, with hundreds of illustrations and thousands of lines of source code that you can freely adapt for your own projects. All the math and programming techniques are elaborately explained and examples are open-ended to encourage you to think of original ways to use these techniques in your own games. You can use what you learn in this book to make games for desktops, mobile phones, tablets or the Web.

    AdvancED Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript is a great next step if you already have some JavaScript game making experience, or a great continuation if you've already read Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript by the same author.

    The game examples in this book use pure JavaScript, so you can code as close to the metal as possible without having to be dependent on any limiting frameworks. If you’re looking for a book to take your game design skills into the stratosphere and beyond, this is it!

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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Fecha: 25/01/2023 13:56 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 119 // por: seomind12
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