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  • Portada de A HUMBLE HEART


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • An epic fantasy of war and adventure! The leader of the Elves in the south is troubled by an onslaught of Possessors against their homeland. In his investigations, he is met by a band of Dwarves and two human boys who bear the most terrible news. The kingdom of men has been invaded. As far as anyone knows, these two refugees are the only remnants of the human race in the world. The boys had first consulted the Dwarves, and now they ask for the aid of the Elves to recapture their homeland. Before the leader can make his decision, his world is turned on its head. The survival of the two human refugees, Henty and Clese, is paramount, since they could very well be the last of their kind.Can the boys succeed in their mission? Will the Elves and Dwarves agree to their request? Will they all be strong enough to resist not only the enemy but the dark tendencies inside them, both of which seek to destroy them?War is not only something external; blood does not only bleed on the outside. The ...

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