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Esto es lo que sabemos de Laurie Halse Anderson.


Laurie Halse Anderson


Libros de Laurie Halse Anderson

Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para Laurie Halse Anderson

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THANK YOU, SARAH // Anderson, Laurie Halse;

From the author of Speak and Fever, 1793, comes the never-before-told tale of Sarah Josepha Hale, the extraordinary ""lady editor"" who made Thanksgiving a national holiday!Thanksgiving might have started with a jubilant feast on Plymouth's shore. But by the 1800s America's observance was waning. None of the presidents nor Congress sought to rev...

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For the past five years, Hayley Kincaid and her father, Andy, have been on the road, never staying long in one place as he struggles to escape the demons that have tortured him since his return from Iraq. Now they are back in the town where he grew up so Hayley can attend school. Perhaps, for the first time, Hayley can have a normal life, put as...

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MASKS // Anderson, Laurie Halse;

After Sunita's beloved pet cat, Mittens, gets injured on her watch, she wonders if vet work is...

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TRICKSTER // Anderson, Laurie Halse;

As soon as he sees Trickster, the new horse at Quinn's Stables, David knows he's found the horse he

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TREADING WATER // Anderson, Laurie Halse;

When the Vet Volunteers find some abandoned ducklings, they know there's no time to lose. Without a

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SAY GOOD-BYE // Anderson, Laurie Halse;

Yum-Yum is an adorable shih tzu and one of Zoe's favorite clients. When Zoe and Yum-Yum visit a...

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