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Aaron Brown

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Aaron Brown


Libros de Aaron Brown

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Wall Street is where poker and modern finance - and the theory behind these games - clash head on. In both worlds, real risk means real money is made or lost, and neither camp is always rational with the risk it takes. This book is for business and financial professionals who want to use poker insights to improve their job performance.

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RED-BLOODED RISK // Brown, Aaron;

An innovative guide that identifies what distinguishes the best financial risk takers from the restFrom 1987 to 1992, a small group of Wall Street quants invented an entirely new way of managing risk to maximize success: risk management for risk-takers. This is the secret that lets tiny quantitative edges create hedge fund billionaires, and defi...

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BEGINNING LUA PROGRAMMING // Brown, Aaron; Jung, Kurt;

This book is for students and professionals who are intrigued by the prospect of learning and using a powerful language that provides a rich infrastructure for creating programs. No programming knowledge is necessary to benefit from this book except for the section on Lua bindings, which requires some familiarity with the C programming language....

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