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  • Portada de TWILIGHT


  • Portada de TWILIGHT


  • Portada de TWILIGHT


  • Portada de TWILIGHT


  • Portada de TWILIGHT


  • Portada de TWILIGHT


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Isabella Swan's move to Forks, a perpetually rainy town in Washington, could have been the most boring move she ever made. When she meets the mysterious, alluring Edward Cullen--a vampire--her life takes a thrilling and terrifying romantic turn.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Bella si è appena trasferita a Forks, la città più piovosa d'America. È il primo giorno nella nuova scuola e, quando incontra Edward Cullen, la sua vita prende una piega inaspettata e pericolosa. Con la pelle diafana, i capelli di bronzo, i denti luccicanti, gli occhi, color oro, Edward è algido e impenetrabile, talmente bello da sembrare irreale. Tra i due nasce un'amicizia dapprima sospettosa, poi più intima, che presto si trasforma in un'attrazione travolgente. Finora Edward è riuscito a tener nascosto il suo segreto, ma Bella è intenzionata a svelarlo. Quello che ancora non sa è che più gli si avvicina e maggiori sono i rischi per lei e per chi le sta accanto. Mentre nella vicina riserva indiana riprendono a circolare inquietanti leggende, un dubbio si fa strada nella mente di Bella. Il sogno romantico che sta vivendo potrebbe essere in realtà l'incubo che popola le sue notti. Volume d'esordio della saga di Bella ed Edward, "Twilight" è una storia che trascina il lettore nel vortice sensuale e avventuroso di un amore proibito.

    Idioma: ITALIANO

  • In this exquisite fantasy, Bella adores beautiful Edward, and he returns her love. But Edward must control the blood lust she arouses in him because--he's a vampire. This deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful novel captures the struggle between defying instincts and satisfying desires.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Isabella Swan's move to Forks, a perpetually rainy town in Washington, could have been the most boring move she ever made. When she meets the mysterious, alluring Edward Cullen--a vampire--her life takes a thrilling and terrifying romantic turn. Young Adult.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • When seventeen-year-old Isabella Swan moves to Forks, Washington to live with her father she expects that her new life will be as dull as the town itself. In spite of her awkward manner and low expectations, she finds that her new classmates are drawn to this pale, dark-haired new girl in town. But not, it seems, the Cullen family. These five adopted brothers and sisters obviously prefer their own company and will make no exception for Bella. Bella is convinced that Edward Cullen in particular hates her, but she feels a strange attraction to him, although his hostility makes her feel almost physically ill. He seems determined to push her away - until, that is, he saves her life from an out of control car. Bella will soon discover that there is a very good reason for Edward's coldness. He, and his family, are vampires - and he knows how dangerous it is for others to get too close.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Film tie-in edition to the film due to be released on 9th January 2009. Bella Swan moves to Forks, the most boring town in America, until she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen. But Edward has a secret: he is a vampire, struggling to keep ...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • When 17 year old Isabella Swan moves to Forks, Washington to live with her father she expects that her new life will be as dull as the town. But in spite of her awkward manner and low expectations, she finds that her new classmates are drawn to this pale, dark-haired new girl in town. But not, it seems, the Cullen family. These five adopted brothers and sisters obviously prefer their own company and will make no exception for Bella. Bella is convinced that Edward Cullen in particular hates her, but she feels a strange attraction to him, although his hostility makes her feel almost physically ill. He seems determined to push her away - until, that is, he saves her life from an out of control car. Bella will soon discover that there is a very good reason for Edward’s coldness. He, and his family, are vampires - and he knows how dangerous it is for others to get too close.

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • Dit e-book uit de serie PrismaDyslexie bevat het lettertype Dyslexie. De letters van dit lettertype zijn zodanig aangepast dat dyslectici minder moeite hebben ze van elkaar te onderscheiden, waardoor er minder leesfouten gemaakt worden en het lezen gemakkelijker wordt. Bella is er absoluut van overtuigd dat Edward levensgevaarlijk is, maar ook dat ze onvoorwaardelijk en onherroepelijk verliefd op hem is. Als Isabella Swan naar het regenachtige Forks verhuist en de mysterieuze en aantrekkelijke Edward Cullen ontmoet, neemt haar leven een spannende en angstige wending. Edward, met zijn krijtwitte huid, gouden ogen, betoverende stem en bovennatuurlijke gave, is zowel onweerstaanbaar als ongenaakbaar. Tot nu toe heeft hij zijn ware identiteit verborgen weten te houden, maar Bella is vastbesloten achter zijn duistere geheim te komen. Wat Bella zich niet realiseert, is dat ze haar leven en dat van anderen in gevaar brengt naarmate ze hem beter leert kennen. Misschien is het zelfs al te l...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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